Progressive Retinal Atrophy (prcd-PRA)

Progressive Retinal Atrophy (prcd-PRA) is a leading hereditary cause of blindness in Toy Poodles. This condition is genetically diverse, with several distinct forms already identified and others still under investigation.

At CameronCavs our Toy Poodles are DNA tested CLEAR for this disease.

Clinical Signs of PRA

PRA can manifest as either early-onset (whelp-age) dysplastic changes or late-onset forms, but the clinical and ophthalmologic signs are similar across both types. Affected dogs typically experience:

  • Bilateral Mydriasis: Persistent dilation of the pupils.
  • Increased Tapetal Reflection: A brighter-than-normal reflection from the back of the eye.
  • Atrophic Retinal Vascular Network: Progressive thinning and degeneration of the retinal blood vessels.

These symptoms ultimately lead to gradual vision loss and complete blindness as the condition advances.

Rcd4 PRA: Late-Onset PRA (LOPRA)

Rcd4 PRA, also known as Late-Onset PRA (LOPRA), is a specific form of PRA with a highly variable age of onset. Symptoms can emerge as early as 2–3 years of age or as late as 10–11 years, making detection through clinical examination alone challenging.

Importance of Genetic Testing

Given the genetic complexity of PRA and its delayed onset in some forms, DNA testing is essential for identifying carriers and affected dogs. Early identification through genetic screening helps breeders make informed decisions, minimising the risk of passing this debilitating condition to future generations.